Lab Instrument Supplier
Refractive Index measurement of heavy oil(oily) sample

▶ Sample from:Guangzhou Industry University
The samples are heavy oil, thick with high viscosity. Sample 2# even has higher viscosity.
▶ Instrument:Shanghai Insmark Automatic Refractometer IR180
▶ A number of experiments have been taken in the Insmark laboratory, it is proved that the measurement results have good repeatability at 25.0℃.
▶ Measuring temperature: 25.0℃:
▶ IP-digi2 Polarimeter (Thermostat control system – Peltier)
Method: Optical Rotation
Temperature setting: 20.0 ℃, thermostat control system is on.
Thermostat-sample tube length: 1dm
▶ Add sample solution into the thermostat sample tube, put it in the sample chamber and take the measurement readings.
▶ Calculation:
Calculate the content of the Fructose(%) in the Fructose syrup according to the formula:
α- Optical Rotation of the sample
L - length of the thermo-sample tube(dm)
G - solid content of the sample(%)
T - temperature of the sample(℃)
The combine usage of Refractometer and Polarimeter provides an easy, quick, repeatability measurement method for the Fructose analysis.